Jaroner Who Infreedom

On the planet Kabristo three in the year 5004 as Ryanec Gailob the man who started the Worictac rebellion and fought the iratens empire in the age of in freedom just in the middle of the war for rights. The Jaroner pointed Nora and Arty to their rooms after getting them situated and then took off to the console room then began piloting the Tardis. Arty and Nora still grieving from the deaths of their parents and they had talked then about where they would want to go, afterward, they went to bed. The Jaroner got an alert cloister bell then took off to Kabristo three and then timed the landing long enough to give them a full nights sleep and breakfast. The jaroner, Arty, and Nora after getting out of the Tardis and getting carted off by the taker's army when Arty and Nora protested vocally about their rights being stripped. The Jaroner managed to get out of the cage he was placed in and then noticed the leader of the movement for people's equal rights Ryanec Gailob he then realized why they were there and why the cloister bell went off. Quickly thinking he freed him and they snuck around freeing the other soldiers in the people's equal rights rebellion. After being in two-person solitary confinement Arty and Nora talked about their upbringing and the times they had with their parents. After a while, a hologram of the Jaroner appeared and told them everything and both Arty and Nora had heard people talking and discussing that with the hologram. The final battle began and the jaroner got Arty and Nora out of the cell and the jaroner explained how they need to help out with the negotiations after the battle. As the battle was going on Jaroner, Arty, and Nora got ready to put their plan into action. The Jaroner tells them "Okay, Arty you go to the taker's flank, and Nora you go to the people's equal rights flank, and I through the tardis broadcast to the entire world, then I start negotiations with you two as the deciders in the negotiations." The Jaroner, Arty, and Nora then sprinted into action with their plan. They started their days of coverage of the battlefield and everyone viewed their news broadcasts on both sides of the battlefield they all asked each other "Must we fight like this? Aren't we all the same?" and then the next part of the Jaroner, Arty, and Nora's plan the negotiations. The Jaroner and Ryanec Gailob and the leader of the takers Ayec Jeotrec began the negotiations over the very dispute that started the war. Arty and Nora began with the decisions that everyone involved would eventually agree to and the war was declared over. Both sides in that conflict were satisfied with the decisions Arty and Nora dished out. Now back in The Jaroner's tardis having taken off in the time vortex. Being a question on both Arty and Nora Lattimer's minds they asked The Jaroner one by one "Is this stuff regular for you" The Jaroner replied, " I'm just a traveler sometimes I see things that needs fixing I do what I think can be done." Arty said, "That sounds like our family motto that sounds noble." Nora said, "If you think about it Arty in a way we are doing what Mom and Dad did." the jaroner smiled and said "Okay, let's go make your parents even prouder." Then they went to Kentucky in 1994.


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